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The northeast weak coking coal market
Clicks : 350    Published : 2024-05-15
      Recent northeast remain weak coking coal market, market transaction is relatively stable. Upstream steel market performance in general, prices fall after five weeks after the start with signs of recovery, businesses mentality better. Steel is difficult, because the profit is too low, some recent steel mills cut coke procurement price again, coking coal purchase enthusiasm is weak. Current steel mill main coking coal inventories maintained at 15 days or so, coal mining enterprises began to increase the intensity of coal in the water to shunt, trying to push the steel plant of coking coal inventory control in 10 days or so, but it is difficult to implement. Dragon coal group this year's plan of three million tons of coal, water due to the recent steel receiving is not positive, on to the south all shipments to alleviate the pressure of the sales. And port railway stock ability is limited, can't satisfy daily carried out, a large number of coal can not afford time to unload, rail line congestion, caused by coal mining affected by large. Short-term stable northeast coking coal market will remain weak coking coal market in front of the steel market is not optimistic, but the possibility of coking coal price is extremely low, the price is given priority to with stability.
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