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China's steel demand essence cannot change its spots Release of steel production
Clicks : 713    Published : 2024-05-14

Steel prices rebounded sharply also stimulates the production of steel. Large and medium-sized steel mills in September, according to the relevant enterprises crude steel output of 1.5654 million tons, ten-day rose 2.89%; National crude steel in September forecast average daily output of 1.8946 million tons, ten-day rose 1.23%.
       Also said he needs to focus on market inventory and steel mills and production situation, but from the long run, on the property market continued, needs to face a substantial change, while steel production release, this round is expected by the rise in steel prices stimulate the release of the steel supply, or suppression of steel price is the direct cause of late once again. Before and after National Day holiday, steel prices will continue to perform the "history".
        Network mold analysts predict that China in the short term, site procurement will remain before the National Day will be supported in the current market price.

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