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Die steel quality is uneven in the market
Clicks : 746    Published : 2024-05-15
Die steel has broad market prospects, in nearly a decade, China's steel industry will remain more than 20% of high-speed growth. However, because of some bad manufacturers to reduce the product cost, at the corners to achieve cost reduction. This makes the lost confidence in the domestic steel part of the manufacturer. This part of the customers at high prices to buy imported steel, so that our own enterprises production cost is increased, there are to some extent, restricted the development of die steel in China.
The present status of the steel market in China, to like farce and casting industry co., LTD. I insist in the production of formal gb steel enterprise caused a lot of pressure. Some hardware factory of CR12 steel quality is not high, often buy some substandard products, in order to save money, but it did not save money, but increases their costs. Do you think to buy a ton of gb CR12 cheap, or buy two tons of non-standard steel is cheap.

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